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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  October 4, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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crowds have been large and raucous'sa very gaae,,,the birds dearly wanted to open the playoffssthere, but now they can't..and they're lanningto make the best of it... 3 the birds held a workoot today ddwn in texas....e'll hear what buck showaller said afterward...coming up in minutes in ssorts a violent night in baltimore ci. & unidentified man was shoo multiple times on west lanvale street near kirby lane. last night in the cctt's harlem park neighborhood.the
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victim died from his wounds att shook trauma a short time later. a little more than 10 minutes shooting... police found another man,,shot in the chest on northhfulton street near west lexington street... also in west baltimore.the victim &pdied a short time later at shock trauma.police do not yee have any leads. leads.andd n another incident a suspect was injured in a police involved shooting on east lanvale street. police... nnmee.. three officers... involved in the death of a their custody...//. they're... identified as... todd strohman, .../ gregg boyd and michael vodarick. vodarick. strohhan's... a... decorated officer.../ , pho wws shot in theeline of duty.../ here... on ...north calvert street in 2010...///.policee.. initiaaly said... they caught anthony anderson... in... a drug deal.../ but... an autopsy revealld that he 46 year oll... died of blunt force traumaa...///it'll.. states' attorrey... to the - will face any chaagessofficers - 33 a... baltimore student... accused of... stabbing a fellow classmate... will... remain... behind bars.../ held... without bail. reporter joy lepola is booking after talking to the teen's mother just moments
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family and friends of 17 year old darrell johns were shocked when a judge decided best interest if the teen without bail. e held here ((vo)) it all came down to public safety. a point the judge mmde repeatedly.... eventhough johns defense team argued it was bullyyng that ped he heritage high school senior to stab a fellow classmate. 12:15:27 i'm just upset that the judge didn't look and listtn toothe fact that :33 my son was just acting in self life :34 and this is not the firrt ttme they heard about since this issnnw a legal matter, the baltimore city school syssem can not comment bullying. i did speak with a family member of tthevictim... who tood e there is a lot
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more to thisscase... nooe of which hassto do bullying. joy lepola fox 45 news at 5:00 maryland is ssepping up efforts to fight domestic viole. violence.sevvral non-proffts were honored this morning with a 50 thousand dollar grant from verizon. it was aa emotional morning as survivors shhrrd their stories of abuus.... and the places they turned for help.congressman will go towarr critical money - ressorces....that could help save lives. "but also i thank yyu, for creating a bridgee oh god, for creeting a bridge. a bridge that so that somebody whh is perraps dying and suffering can just have somm way to get from one point to another- that and,,that place to o - that somebody to talk to." to."the grant will be divided includiig the ouse of ruth, the kennedy foundation, and
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the maryland network against domestic violeece. investigattrs are trying to determine the causeeof a 3-alarm fireethis morning in fells point. myranda stephens... strraming live.... near... wheee it happened.../ with... more ...on the mess .../ it... caused for coomuters. ad lib... 3 3 3 p3 the fire broke out around 5:30 ttis morning inside a three-story liquor storeeon fleet street near broadway. fire officials had to be evacuated from tte building and fight the fiie from the outside - because of the one firefighter suffered minor injuuies - and one civilian &phad to assisted from the ddwn several streees around - the fire - posing a big inconvenience to commuters this morniig. steffen milbry 4440 i just
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came around ann i guess the fire was alrrady over with 43 there was, takkng down the bricks and everything or still waiting sttll 51 paitoo milbourne 5119 it is really shocking, i ould have never guessed that the building would've been on fire. i donn't know what to say tt that, i'm just glad that everybody's it took firrfighhers more than two hours to put out the fire. the cause is still nknown. live in fells oints,,ms, fox45 neww at 530. first... presidential debate - is in the books.../ and... early numbers show..... governor... mitt romney... wwlked away with the upper hand. hand. 3the candidates... squared off at the aad... - neither appeared... to make pny game-changing mistakes...///.the debate... focused oo... domestic they found... .- plenty to spar over..../ like...
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health care refoom... and the president challenged... numbers..../// while... romney accused him of... misrepreseeting the facts. romney: mm numbee ooe principleeis there will be no tax cut that addssthe deficit. obama: it is not possible to come up with enough deductions and loopholes that only affect high-income iinividuals to avoid raising the deficit or burdening the middle class. &pit's math. 3 a... cnn poll shows... viewers... believed... romney was... the clear winner obama won. pere's... our... question of the day.who do you thinn won the presidentiil debate? go... to... fox- baltimore dot comm.../ tell us... what you think.../. ound... us... a tweet.. at foxbaltimooe..... ttxt... your answer to ...45-203..../ enter... ox45a for fox45b for no. a... lot of... 'kitchee tablee topics... in.. last night's debate.../both... pressdent ooama's... and... governor romney's... tax
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plans... were... talked about... in depth. depth. pauu gessler talked to economists today to break down what it means for you.paul-- the major difference right off the battis the ush- era tax cuts on households makkng more than 250 thousand dollars.mitt permanent.baaack obama would llt ttem expire. rooneyycalls for an across- the- board cut in marginnl tax rate to 25 percent...and eliminating the estate tax, as wwll as other taxes on capittl gains of 200 thousand dollars or less. what he calls the 'buffee a minimum 30 percent tax rates. university of balttmooe professor teven isberg says he wanted to hearrmore on how specifically governno romnnyy would raise neeeed revenues. steven isberg, university of baltimore: 9.47 "at the enn of the day, ttere's not a whole lot of differencessbetween one and another."steven isberg, university of baltimore: 10.22 "i'd really like to see the calculation as to how both of those gentlemen are getting to that number, and i haven't seen thattyet." (laughttr)
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past that, the ww sparred over what president obama calls romney's "five trillion dollar tax cut."mister obama said ttat wwuld either raase &t wealthy.the tax policy ceeter claims that 5 trillion dollars... would be over the next decade.romney has claimee that money is made up for in cuts ii deddctions to broaden the ttx base.paul gessler, ffx455news at fivve how are the rrads looking tonig? tooight?brandi proctor has our traffic edge report. reportt mapbelair fiberwilkens map395 map
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a morgan state employee under arrest tonight... fox 45 news at - he managee to steal... more than 200- thousand dollars... from the university. president obaaa and governor miit romneyyget back on he campaigg traal after their pirrt debate.what their teaass are saying. pay to be popular on facebook. how much it'll cost you to keep your posts at thh top of everyone's newsfeed... coming
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up. 3 --addlib weather tz--
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wooohooo....hahaahahaha! oh...there you go. wooohooo....hahaahahaha! i'm gonna stand up to her! no you're not. i know. you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. on ...for a passenger ...
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driver. this ... is... surveillance video... buu.../ as... the a... cheap shot...//. yoo... can see... the &pbus,./.. each... saying... theeperson behind them... will pay,.../ but... when he last man ...gets on,.../ he... doesn't have... the oney..../ the... all... theemen... to get - off....// as... they're... leaving.../ one... blind sides... the driver.../ knooking hhm... out cold.../// police... are still searching for the men in the video.
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the f-b-i raids a texas company accused of selling classified technology to tte russian military. military. a constant aawarrhouse with box affer box - of evidence. they say that houston based arc eeectronics solddamerican military systems, incluuing radar, surveillance, eapons guidance and detonatton triggers for bombs. counter- intelligence xperts say that that was common during the ge cold war. 3 bronk says: "the russians have bought higg technology gear from the west for a long time.. thhs is nothing new." i thhnk the us attornny and the fbi has a pretty ssrg case that he was behavvng under thh control of the ssveral employees have been arrested. the micro-electronics they're accused of selling are illeggl to eepert to ooher coontries wittout goverment perrission. the first presiddntial debate is in the books... and challenger mitt romney are
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alrrady back on the campaign tr. trail.both... usinn... the debate motivate... theirr supporters.../ aad... get... the votes... of the undeccded...///.john roberts... has... the latest... from fishersville, vi. ((obama wall-up / cheering)) president obama addressing a crowd of supporters at a grassroots pvent in cooorado.... the day aater the first debate betweee him and republicaa the president joking that the man he debated last night was not the árealá mitt romney.. obama says: "because the real mitt romney has been running around the country for the last yeer promising 5-trillion dollars in taa cuts ttat favor the weaathy...the fellow on stage last night said he didn't know anything about that.((laaghing))" the resident sticking with that theme... claiming romney was flip-flopping on debate...that he has been promoting during his campaign. obama says: "he does not want to be held accountable for the for the real mitt romney's deccsions and what he's been saying theelast year...and well ttat we donnt want what
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he's bee selling for the last year. (cheering)."((romney walk-up cheering)) romney also isiiing supporters in the centennial surprise visittto a colorado c-pac event hosted by 4 of his 5 his sons. the gop nommnee also talking about last night's deeate... where he tuuned out a well- reviewed performance that has clearly energized his supporrers.romney says: "last night i thought was a great opportunity for the american different visions for thee countty. nd i ttink it was hellful to be able to descriie thooe visions. i saw the president's vision as &ptrickleedown government and i don't think that's what america believes in. i see instead a prosperity that comes through freedommroberts says: "the campaigns both keeping a busy schedule today. president topping in wisconsin before heading back to d-c. governor romney heree in virginia withhits thirteen fishersville, john robeets, n fox news." earlier we askkd who you ttought won the presidenttal de.
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deeate.bill writes on our for mitt last night. obama wasnnt ven ii ttis league." league." but keshia writes..." who won shoulln't be the question. who questionn" h should be the - a huge response on this question....with strong ppinions on both sidds go to fox-baltimorr dot com and tell us whaa yyu think. you can aaso sound off through facebook. send us a tweet.. aa foxbaltimore. and you can text your answer to 45203. fox45b for no. 3 shariig is caring!the surprising bevvrage this woman issgiving tt fellow passengers... as she boards p-c...before the t-s-a... &p3es her get rid of it..- --adblib weather tz--
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a... womaa at ...ddlles airport innd-c.. . has a creative wayyof &pgetting rid of vodda... before ...airport securityy.. does it... for her....//it happened tuesday ...// facebook's... d-c manager....took this picture... with the caption.../ " woman at dulles ....ecurity line ...unable to carry her plastic handle... of... smirnoff vodka... &p is... currently drinkin i innline.../ and... offering swigs.../ to... other passeegers. ...// it's... t-s-a... is not amused." --- react to storr --- humid out today... cloudy skies...chief meteorologist vytas reid... & coming up... new tonight on
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fox 45 news at 5:30... restaurant gradinns that could have you thinking twice abbot going to that favorite place to eat.the inforration thhsee grades will tell you... p3 p and first on fox : a received a steroid injection.. contracted meningitis.... i'm kc.. new information.. on the that health scare ext.
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confirmed tonight: pne personnin maryland has died, another as gotten sick meningitts now linked to steroid injections ffr back pain... dozens... of... other marylanders... receiving he... tainted d... 3 prug../. -first... on fox... tonightt--/ kathleen cairns says a... harford county... womaa .... worries.../ she... may have contrrcted... the disease.../ p hundreds of marylanders may have taken the queetionable drug. noo scrambling to get tested... we tracked down one patieet in harford county who is afraid she may
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have conttacted the disease. froo the serenity of her home in havre de grace... lisa tibbs ells us how violently sick she got this summer... now she's wondering if it wws mmningitis. he hhd been treated attthe zion ambulatory center in rosedale... which s maryland ttat received and ii then pulled from use thee (lisa tibbs)"i had horrible pain all over.. i had a fever it was just... i literally so far, 35 meningitis cases have been reported... in six maryland health officials ponight tell us.. they expect thhse numbers.. to rise. kc a... new feature on faccbooo.../ guaranteess.. your status will be seen.'s... called "promote"../ . and...
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by paying... a... 7-doolar fee.../ your friends . - see..../.it... status updates.. to... theetop of... "newsfeeds"...///.right now... it's... in... the trial stage.../// paaebook... ttis ...will become a ether permanent feeture... on the sitt. starting ttday.../ toys r us... iss offering more... than toys.../ the ... launching... " toys- r-us-movies-dot-com".../ a... streaming business...//.the... new... digital service... wwll offer 4000---moviess.. ann... t-v shows geered towaadsschildren...//. it... won't be ... "ssbscription based".../ instead... you'll... pay... per rental... or download...//. .prices... start at.. 2---99... for a... 24-hour movie rental .../ and... 11-99... new tonight on fox 45 news at 5:30... what eating establishments in baltimore may soon have to displly in theer winnows that has some restaurant owners upset. 3 and a morgannstate employee under arrest he managed to steal ore than &p200- thhusand dollars from th 3niversity.
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--adblib weather tz--
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state university is under gan iidictment tonight....accused of stealing tens of thousands of dollars from his employer. employer. jeff abell... shows us . the theft... went far beyond campus, jeff.... if you believe all came down to dollars...and deceit.... under indictment tonight is 35-year old bernard healthington who investigators say both worked t morgan state universiit and stole he's accused of stealing more than 200-thhusand doolars in property from the school..... but his alleged crime spree wenttfar beyond campus. the pastor of a nearby church says he paid healthington 14-thousand heating system at the church.....ut the wwrk was never done......he check was gone.....and investigators say


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